Feb 26, 2012

tutorial 2

            Alhamdulillah tutorial ke 2 bg sem 1 da pn berlalu....byk la jgak ilmu yg tutor aku bg yg bole diguna pakai...kelas yg plg aku ske is kelas En Talha...sbb klu dlm kelas die byk cite2 yg klakar n byk video...2 yg best 2...prkara yg ditekan kn ialah psal assignment...yg aku blom mula buat pn...ble pk psal assign kpla plak mule rse sakit...due date da makin dekat da...so...zarina..x reti2 lg ke nk start wat assign...bln 4 ni plak akn ade final exam..kjap jer...da nk msuk sem 2 mei nie...cm maen2 je kn...tp berat mata memandang berat lg kpla aku yg memikul....so its time 2 study...hehe...doakan sy berjaya yer...InsyaAllah...

Feb 20, 2012

assign 3

KOD KURSUS /COURSE CODE       :  OUMH1303                     
SEMESTER /SEMESTER                   :  JANUARY 2012 

1.   Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa  modul bercetak kursus ini. / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in the language of the printed module for the course.

2.   Jawab  dalam Bahasa Inggeris.  /  Answer in English.

3.   Muat turunkan templet tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5. / Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the MyVLE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.

4.  Anda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan kepada TUTOR BERSEMUKA. / You must submit your assignment to the TUTOR.

5.   Anda hanya boleh menghantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail. / You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE  file.

6.   Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara 9 Mac 2012 hingga 11 Mac 2012. Serahan selepas 11 Mac 2012 TIDAK akan diterima. / Your assignment must be submitted between 9 March 2012 and 11 March 2012. Submission after 11 March 2012 will NOT be accepted.

7.   Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan secara individu. Anda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. Anda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri. /
      Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.



  1. You are asked to write 3 speeches for the following occasions. Each speech will be between 350-500 words.
    1. A farewell speech  to be presented for a boss who is moving to a multinational company
    2. An opening speech at a PIBG/Parents-Teachers’ Associations Annual Meeting
    3. A speech to call for people’s donation and commitment to help the needy and the poor in your small city
For each speech, please follow the format, organization, and structure of a speech as discussed in the textbook. You must have the three major sections: introduction, body, and conclusion.
The written speech may be submitted before or after the oral presentation.

  1. You will choose only 2 speeches to be presented orally in class. Each speech should be between 5-7 minutes. Since this is an oral communication course, you are expected to deliver an extemporaneous speech based on notes; however, memorized and manuscripts speeches are discouraged as you need to maintain eye contact with your audience. Please make arrangements with your class tutors about presenting your presentation.
For oral presentations, students are encouraged to use visual aids. Perhaps 2-3 slides will be adequate to capture your audience’s attention, as well as to illustrate and to support your speech.
            [Total: 30 marks]

assign 2

KOD KURSUS /COURSE CODE       : OUMH1103                    
SEMESTER /SEMESTER                   : JANUARY 2012


1.   Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa  modul bercetak kursus ini. / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in the language of the printed module for the course.

2.   Jawab  dalam  Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris.  /  Answer in Malay or English.

oum3.   Muat turunkan templet tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5. / Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the MyVLE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.

4.   Tugasan anda hendaklah antara 2500 hingga 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. / Your assignment should be between 2500 and 3000 words excluding references. The number of words should be shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer.

5.  Anda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan SECARA ON-LINE melalui MyVLE. Sila rujuk kepada portal untuk arahan mengenai prosedur menghantar tugasan anda secara on-line. Anda dinasihatkan menyimpan senaskah tugasan yang diserahkan untuk rujukan sendiri. / You must submit your assignment ON-LINE via the MyVLE. Refer to the portal for instructions on the procedures to submit your assignment on-line. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted assignment for personal reference.

6.   Anda hanya boleh menghantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail. / You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE  file.

7.   Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara 6 Mac 2012 hingga 18 Mac 2012. Serahan selepas 18 Mac 2012 TIDAK akan diterima. / Your assignment must be submitted between 6 March 2012 and 18 March 2012. Submission after 18 March 2012 will NOT be accepted.

8.   Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan secara individu. Anda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. Anda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri. /
      Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.


  1. You are required to find information on important skills that employers are looking for in graduates.

  1. For this assignment, you are only allowed to find information from reliable sources—credible websites, journal and newspaper articles. Below are examples of sources that you can utilise for your report:

Title of newspaper article      
Top jobs only for those who know the  language well

Hariati Azizan and Lee Yen Mun
The Star
Date of publication
August 10, 2011

Title of newspaper article      
Don: English standard for undergraduates is still not up to par

The Star
Date of publication
November 7, 2011

Title of journal article
Globalisation’s Impact on Soft Skills Demand in the Malaysian Workforce and Organisations: What makes graduates employable?
Kahirol Mohd Salleh, Nur Lisa Sulaiman, Khairul Nazry Talib
Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Date of publication
November 2010

  1. Find a few more articles and books and make notes from these sources.

  1. Based on the notes made, prepare an academic report of approximately 2000- 2500 words on the following:

a)      The important skills that employers are looking for in graduates

b)     Suggestions for future graduates, government bodies or educational institutions in Malaysia to ensure that future graduates are equipped with the skills listed.

*An academic report resembles an academic essay. However, an academic report is divided accordingly using appropriate headings and subheadings.
  1. Your academic report should have the following sections:

-       Table of Content (containing the main content and page number)

Main Content

o   The introduction should contain background information on the topic, for example, the challenges faced by future graduates in Malaysia.

o   The introduction must contain a statement of purpose or a thesis statement. This statement would provide the reader the general idea of what would be discussed in the body of your report.

Body of Academic Report
o   In the body of your report you should provide clear explanation on at least FIVE (5) different skills that employers are looking for in future graduates.

o   Appropriate deliberations and examples are necessary to make your points clear. It is essential that you substantiate your points with experts’ opinions and survey findings.

o   Provide logical suggestions for future graduates, government bodies and educational institutions to ensure that future graduates are equipped with the skills that you have listed.

            Reference List

Write proper in-text citations when including external sources in writing.

o   Students are required to paraphrase or to summarise information from external sources and not only lifting word-by-word from any external sources.

o   A reference list should be prepared to acknowledge all sources utilised in writing.

o   The reference list should utilise the APA citation style (as shown in Topic 5 of OUMH1103).


bru kul 10 mlm....sedang bingung memikirkan yang assign satu pn blom siap lg..
mata da mengantuk tahap x bole bla da nie..
.mmg ssah kn klu blaja smbil keje nie...tp aku kne kuatkan semangat jgak..huhu...tutorial 2 akn bmula 25hb nie,,x pe sempat lg nie..arini kn bru ari isnin...

Feb 11, 2012

assignment 1 da menunggu....

NBBS 1104


1.    Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa  modul bercetak kursus ini. / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in the language of the printed module for the course.

2.    Jawab  dalam  Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris.  /  Answer in Malay or English.

3.    Muat turunkan templat tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan Times New Roman fon saiz 12 dan langkau 1.5. baris/ Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the MyVLE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.

4.    Tugasan anda hendaklah antara 2500 hingga 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan salin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. / Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding references. The number of words should be shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer.

5.    Anda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan SECARA ON-LINE melalui MyVLE. Sila rujuk kepada portal untuk arahan mengenai prosedur menghantar tugasan anda secara on-line. Anda dinasihatkan menyimpan senaskah tugasan yang diserahkan untuk rujukan sendiri. / You must submit your assignment ON-LINE via the MyVLE. Refer to the portal for instructions on the procedures to submit your assignment on-line. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted assignment for personal reference.

6.    Anda hanya boleh menghantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail. / You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

7.    Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan pada 6hb Mac 2012 hingga 18hb Mac 2012. Serahan selepas 18hb Mac 2012 TIDAK akan diterima. / Your assignment must be submitted between 6th March 2012 and 18th March 2012. Submission after 18th March 2012 will NOT be accepted.

8.    Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan secara individu. Anda dilarang meniru tugasan orang   lain. Anda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri. /
        Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.

Tugasan ini menyumbang sehingga 30% daripada jumlah markah kursus berkenaan dan akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada Rubrik yang dilampirkan. / This assignment accounts for 30% of the total marks for the course and shall be assessed based on the Rubrics attached .

Anda akan diberikan maklum balas tentang tugasan ini sebelum Peperiksaan Akhir Semester bermula / You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Examination commences.

Amaran: Tugasan yang diserahkan, secara automatik, akan disemak untuk menentukan kadar pertindihan.  Jika plagiarisme dikesan, markah akan dipotong seperti berikut:  / Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism is detected, marks would be deducted as follows:

§  Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 10 - 30 % : potongan 20% daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh.
§  Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan lebih daripada 30 %: Markah sifar akan diberikan.
·         Assignments with 10 - 30 % overlap with others:  20% deduction from the total marks scored.
·         Assignments with more than 30% overlap with others : Zero mark would be given


The purpose of this assignment is to enhance learner’s analytical skills in execution of quality improvement at the work place.

Quality management refers to a philosophy that defines a corporate culture emphasizing customer satisfaction, innovation and employee involvement.  The quality improvement process is structured to plan, implement and evaluate changes in health care activities.

Identify one issue at your work place that is related to Quality Improvement (QI). Critically discuss the implementation of QI process to improve the issue identified.

 [Total: 30 marks)




KOD KURSUS / COURSE CODE :    NBBS 1104                                                                                          
SEMESTER / SEMESTER :                  JANUARY  2012



Low                      (1)

Fair                        (2)

Above Average                  (3)



1. Introduction


There is no introduction on the topic of discussion.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is poor; ideas to be discussed are very vague and disorganised.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is fair; ideas to be discussed are vague and disorganised.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is good; ideas to be discussed are relatively clear and organised but inadequate explanation.

The introduction on the topic of discussion is excellent; ideas to be discussed are very clear and well organised. The intent of the work is explicitly explained.


2. Understanding of QI process


Does not demonstrate understanding of QI process.

Demonstrates insignificant understanding of QI process.

Demonstrates reasonable understanding of QI process.

Demonstrates considerable understanding of QI process.
Relevant and specific supportive evidence included.

Demonstrates thorough and insightful understanding of QI process.
Creatively includes relevant and specific evidence.


3. Application of QI process on the Identified Issue


Does not apply QI process on the identified issue.

Shows insignificant /
incomplete application  of QI process on the identified issue.

Shows reasonable application of QI process on the identified issue. Applies all steps of the QI process, however the explanation is incomplete.

Shows considerable application of QI process on the identified issue. Applies all steps of the QI process, however the explanation is brief. Occasionally includes examples and specific evidence.

Shows masterful application of all the steps in QI process as regards to the identified issue. Consistently and creatively includes examples and specific evidence.


4. Conclusion


There is no conclusion to summarise the write-up.

A poor conclusion which does not indicate an attempt to synthesise the discussion.

A fair conclusion which indicates reasonable analysis and synthesis of ideas.

A good conclusion which indicates considerable analysis and synthesis of ideas.

An excellent conclusion which is concisely and precisely written. It provides concluding remarks that shows an analysis and synthesis of ideas.


5. References and citations according to the  APA format


There is no reference or citation.

Citations for statements included in the discussion are not present or references which are included are not found in the text.

Some citations for statements included in the discussion or references which are included are not found in the text.

Most citations are included in the discussion and most references match with the citations according to the APA format.

All citations are included in the discussion and references match the citations according to the APA format.