.....da kul 1.30pm...still menunggu hubby blk dr program ape tah....utk mkn same2...prut da bbunyik da nie...ooo mr hubby cpt la blk mkn...mate pn da mule nk suam2 ngantuk nih...
.....kje mlm...x nk la harap yg indah2 sbb mmg da tau da x kn jd indah pnyer....bkn setakat kje mlm jer...ptg pn same...kdg2 x pham ngan 'depa2' nie...kje da cm robot...x reti nk pk kn psal org lgsg...mkn ke...solat ker...yg depa tau kje..kje ..n kje...ble la agaknyer sume ni akn jd ok...skrg da x cm dlu.....aku rindu kdn OT yg dulu...yg tnang...n best....
Oct 29, 2011
baju baru hp aku....saje jer....
Oct 23, 2011
Pharmacological action
Uphaxicam is a NSAID, refers to a group oxicams. This medication has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.
The mechanism of action associated with inhibition of the enzyme COX, which leads to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid.
Piroxicam inhibits the aggregation of platelets. For systemic use this medicine reduces the pain syndrome.
When Uphaxicam used externally it weakens or suppresses inflammation and joint pain at rest and in motion, reduces morning stiffness and swelling of the joints, increases range of motion.
The analgesic effect occurs within 30 minutes after oral taking. Anti-inflammatory effect manifested by the end of the first week of treatment. After a single dose the effect lasts for 24 hours.
After oral administration Uphaxicam is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma is reached within 3-5 hours.
The proteins plasma binding is 99%. Piroxicam penetrating the placental barrier, excrets in breast milk.
Metabolized in the liver by hydrolysis and conjugation. Piroxicam is excreted unchanged (5%) and in the form of metabolites, which are displayed in the kidneys and in small amounts in feces. T1/2 is approximately 50 hours.
In patients with liver diseases T1/2 may increases.
Why is Uphaxicam prescribed?
For systemic and topical use: articular syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout), back pain, neuralgia, myalgia, traumatic inflammation of the soft tissue and musculoskeletal system.
For systemic use: dysmenorrhea in patients older than 12 years, acute infectious-inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract.
Dosage and administration
For oral administration the dosage is 10-30 mg 1 time / day. Rectal - 20-40 mg 1-2 times / day. In acute gout, the initial dose is 40 mg 1 time / day in the first 2 days, then 40 mg 1 time per day or 20 mg 2 times / day for 4-6 days. In acute conditions or exacerbation of a chronic process you can enter IM at a dose of 20-40 mg 1 time / day. After the relief of acute process of switching to maintenance therapy with oral forms.
Externally this medicine is applied 3-4 times / day.
Uphaxicam side effects, adverse reactions
Digestive system: common - nausea, anorexia, stomatitis, epigastric pain, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, bleeding gums (due to the inhibition of platelet aggregation); in rare cases - erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, with possible bleeding and perforation, transient elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and hepatic necrosis with fatal consequences. Typically these side effects develop with chronic administration at doses exceeding 30 mg / day.
Hematopoietic system: anemia (rarely aplastic anemia or hemolytic anemia), thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, eosinophilia.
CNS and peripheral nervous system: possible dizziness, headache, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, hallucinations, mood changes, weakness, disturbances of sensitivity, swelling of the eyes, blurred vision, and signs of eye irritation.
Metabolism: rarely - hyperkalemia, hypo- or hyperglycemia, changes in body weight, in some cases - a transient increase of residual nitrogen and creatinine, uremia with hyperkalemia.
Urinary system: acute renal failure (with symptoms of hemorrhagic vasculitis), acute interstitial nephritis.
Allergic reactions: possible itching, redness, rash, pemphigus vulgaris, allergic swelling of face and hands; in some cases - Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome; in rare cases - anaphylactic reactions, bronchospasm, urticaria, angioedema, vasculitis, serum sickness.
Dermatological reactions: rarely - photosensitivity, rarely - onycholysis, alopecia.
Other: possible nosebleeds.
Local reaction: possible irritation of the rectum, tenesmus.
For external use: rarely - erythema and itching at the site of application.
Uphaxicam contraindications
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in acute phase, indications in a history to bronchial asthma in connection with the use of NSAIDs, violations of porphyrin metabolism, expressed by human liver and kidney failure, pregnancy, lactation, children under the age of 14 years, proctitis (rectal use), increased sensitivity to piroxicam.
Using during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Uphaxicam is contraindicated for use in the III trimester of pregnancy. If necessary to use this drug in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy should be related to the expected benefit to the mother and the potential risk to the fetus, due to lack of reliable clinical evidence supporting the safety of piroxicam in this period.
Piroxicam is excreted in breast milk. If necessary to use this medication during lactation should solve the issue of termination of breastfeeding. Category effects on the fetus by FDA - C.
Special instructions
With caution use Uphaxicam if erosive and ulcerative lesions and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract in history, dyspeptic symptoms of chronic heart failure, hepatic dysfunction and kidney failure, asthma, coagulation disorders, and concomitant administration of oral anticoagulants, allergic reactions to acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs in history.
In the course of treatment is necessary to monitor the functional state of the liver and peripheral blood picture. This medicine should not be used topically in violation of the integrity of the skin.
Must avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes.
Not recommended for use while piroxicam and acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs.
Uphaxicam drug interactions
This medication Displaces from its association with blood proteins other drugs; reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs. Compared to other NSAIDs and corticosteroids Uphaxicam increases the risk of ulcerogenic action. This drug increases the risk of hyperkalemia when combined with potassium-sparing potassium-based diuretics and other drugs; increases the concentration of phenytoin and lithium in the blood. Anticoagulants increase the risk of bleeding. Aspirin reduces the concentration of piroxicam in the blood up to 80% of the original.
Uphaxicam in case of emergency / overdose
Symptoms: drowsiness, blurred vision, at very high doses - loss of consciousness, coma.
Treatment: gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal, antacids (to reduce the intake), symptomatic therapy.
Pharmacological action
Uphaxicam is a NSAID, refers to a group oxicams. This medication has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.
The mechanism of action associated with inhibition of the enzyme COX, which leads to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid.
Piroxicam inhibits the aggregation of platelets. For systemic use this medicine reduces the pain syndrome.
When Uphaxicam used externally it weakens or suppresses inflammation and joint pain at rest and in motion, reduces morning stiffness and swelling of the joints, increases range of motion.
The analgesic effect occurs within 30 minutes after oral taking. Anti-inflammatory effect manifested by the end of the first week of treatment. After a single dose the effect lasts for 24 hours.
After oral administration Uphaxicam is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma is reached within 3-5 hours.
The proteins plasma binding is 99%. Piroxicam penetrating the placental barrier, excrets in breast milk.
Metabolized in the liver by hydrolysis and conjugation. Piroxicam is excreted unchanged (5%) and in the form of metabolites, which are displayed in the kidneys and in small amounts in feces. T1/2 is approximately 50 hours.
In patients with liver diseases T1/2 may increases.
Why is Uphaxicam prescribed?
For systemic and topical use: articular syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout), back pain, neuralgia, myalgia, traumatic inflammation of the soft tissue and musculoskeletal system.
For systemic use: dysmenorrhea in patients older than 12 years, acute infectious-inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract.
Dosage and administration
For oral administration the dosage is 10-30 mg 1 time / day. Rectal - 20-40 mg 1-2 times / day. In acute gout, the initial dose is 40 mg 1 time / day in the first 2 days, then 40 mg 1 time per day or 20 mg 2 times / day for 4-6 days. In acute conditions or exacerbation of a chronic process you can enter IM at a dose of 20-40 mg 1 time / day. After the relief of acute process of switching to maintenance therapy with oral forms.
Externally this medicine is applied 3-4 times / day.
Uphaxicam side effects, adverse reactions
Digestive system: common - nausea, anorexia, stomatitis, epigastric pain, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, bleeding gums (due to the inhibition of platelet aggregation); in rare cases - erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, with possible bleeding and perforation, transient elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and hepatic necrosis with fatal consequences. Typically these side effects develop with chronic administration at doses exceeding 30 mg / day.
Hematopoietic system: anemia (rarely aplastic anemia or hemolytic anemia), thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, eosinophilia.
CNS and peripheral nervous system: possible dizziness, headache, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, hallucinations, mood changes, weakness, disturbances of sensitivity, swelling of the eyes, blurred vision, and signs of eye irritation.
Metabolism: rarely - hyperkalemia, hypo- or hyperglycemia, changes in body weight, in some cases - a transient increase of residual nitrogen and creatinine, uremia with hyperkalemia.
Urinary system: acute renal failure (with symptoms of hemorrhagic vasculitis), acute interstitial nephritis.
Allergic reactions: possible itching, redness, rash, pemphigus vulgaris, allergic swelling of face and hands; in some cases - Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome; in rare cases - anaphylactic reactions, bronchospasm, urticaria, angioedema, vasculitis, serum sickness.
Dermatological reactions: rarely - photosensitivity, rarely - onycholysis, alopecia.
Other: possible nosebleeds.
Local reaction: possible irritation of the rectum, tenesmus.
For external use: rarely - erythema and itching at the site of application.
Uphaxicam contraindications
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in acute phase, indications in a history to bronchial asthma in connection with the use of NSAIDs, violations of porphyrin metabolism, expressed by human liver and kidney failure, pregnancy, lactation, children under the age of 14 years, proctitis (rectal use), increased sensitivity to piroxicam.
Using during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Uphaxicam is contraindicated for use in the III trimester of pregnancy. If necessary to use this drug in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy should be related to the expected benefit to the mother and the potential risk to the fetus, due to lack of reliable clinical evidence supporting the safety of piroxicam in this period.
Piroxicam is excreted in breast milk. If necessary to use this medication during lactation should solve the issue of termination of breastfeeding. Category effects on the fetus by FDA - C.
Special instructions
With caution use Uphaxicam if erosive and ulcerative lesions and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract in history, dyspeptic symptoms of chronic heart failure, hepatic dysfunction and kidney failure, asthma, coagulation disorders, and concomitant administration of oral anticoagulants, allergic reactions to acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs in history.
In the course of treatment is necessary to monitor the functional state of the liver and peripheral blood picture. This medicine should not be used topically in violation of the integrity of the skin.
Must avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes.
Not recommended for use while piroxicam and acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs.
Uphaxicam drug interactions
This medication Displaces from its association with blood proteins other drugs; reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs. Compared to other NSAIDs and corticosteroids Uphaxicam increases the risk of ulcerogenic action. This drug increases the risk of hyperkalemia when combined with potassium-sparing potassium-based diuretics and other drugs; increases the concentration of phenytoin and lithium in the blood. Anticoagulants increase the risk of bleeding. Aspirin reduces the concentration of piroxicam in the blood up to 80% of the original.
Uphaxicam in case of emergency / overdose
Symptoms: drowsiness, blurred vision, at very high doses - loss of consciousness, coma.
Treatment: gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal, antacids (to reduce the intake), symptomatic therapy.
Oct 20, 2011
asli ke x tepon yg korg bli....
Untuk mengetahui status keaslian buatan telefon bimbit anda
► sila taip *#06#
► akan keluar IMEI [International Mobile Equipment Identity]
► semak nombor IMEI telefon anda di kedudukan 7 dan 8
... Contoh : 358671017470473
... Kedudukan ke 7 dan 8 ialah 01
02 atau 20 : dari China = KUALITI RENDAH
08 atau 80: dari Germany = KUALITI SEDERHANA
01 atau 10: dari Finland = TERBAIK
00 atau 03 atau 04: dari kilang asal = SANGAT TERBAIK
tp....walau se ori mne pn hp kte...smp mse ble nk rosak die rosak gak....n ble tbe msenyer...kne trade in gak...
Oct 19, 2011
hehehe...2day i dun feel like doin anything...cehhh...arini last ct...esk da kne kje da...klu ct jap je mse blalu...ce klu kje..7 jam tu rse cm 7 ari...spt biase la...aku akn amek tender kje ptg......
....bru je pas msak...bgn awl tau...kul 6.30 da bgn da....n kul 8 da start msak...msak simple2 jer...mkn sorg kn...en hubby arini ade exam naek pangkat kt jb.....so tgl la sorg2...
so...pd en hubby GOOD LUCK 4 UR EXAM....
....bru je pas msak...bgn awl tau...kul 6.30 da bgn da....n kul 8 da start msak...msak simple2 jer...mkn sorg kn...en hubby arini ade exam naek pangkat kt jb.....so tgl la sorg2...
ni je lauk arini.. |
Oct 13, 2011
bru je blk dr kursus kt dewan bistari...biase la...da nk dkt ujung thn nie...nk ckupkn 40 marks...so..arini nyer kursus dpt la 6 point...mcukupkn 40 marks yg kami kne kejar every year...huhu...
.........1st lec was given by...boss aku ...nme die boss W....org arab...so die pnye english...wow....aku rse mmg majoriti org kt dlm bilik ceramah 2 mmg x pham....klu aku yg biase kje ngan die pn x brp pham...inikn plak org luar...dengan slang die yg sgt the ARAB...sory boss ek... tp alhamdulillha selesai gak die bg ceramah...wpun aku rse ade yg angguk2 ...pham...or angguk ngtk...2 blom kire lg bunyik plastik gula2...da cm pertandingan bkak plastik gule2 pn ade....hehehe...aku pn tmasuk gak la....
ni geng2 aku yg g kursus airway management tu..klu bab amek gambo mmg no 1...
at the end of the kursus,dptla sijil n mug sbg tanda TIMA KACEH....
ni geng2 aku yg g kursus airway management tu..klu bab amek gambo mmg no 1...
at the end of the kursus,dptla sijil n mug sbg tanda TIMA KACEH....
Oct 12, 2011
kje ptg lg...
da kul 11.30 am..arini aku kje ptg..ble kje ptg ni la mslh yg slalu melanda....time2 cm nie...akn dtg rse ngtk yg amat sgt....nk2 ble jam da kul 12 karang....especially ble pas mkn....tp klu ari ct x plak rse ngtk yg maha dahsyat cm nie...tp kje ttp kje n ttp kne pegi jgak...sbb da tjwb kn...dan arini aku rse aku bakal bersama 1 ot ngan org yg agak ...hehehe....bosan tul...agak2nyer ble kah org yg spt itu akn sedar psal diri die yg agak tuuutttt 2 ek...atau mgkin org itu akn mjd lbh teruk dr kdaan die skrg...juz wait n see...
Oct 11, 2011
khasiat habbatus sauda
Sauda ialah sejenis tumbuhan yang banyak didapati di kawasan
Mediterranean dan di kawasan yang beriklim gurun. Banyak kajian telah
dijalankan. Bagaimanapun kebanyakkannya ditulis di dalam Bahasa Arab,
oleh itu pendedahan terhadap dunia antarabangsa tidak banyak dibuat.
Sauda digunakan secara tradisional untuk beberapa keadaan seperti untuk
menghasilkan kulit muka yang cerah, membantu merawat batuk dan asma,
kencing manis, selsema, keguguran rambut, tekanan darah tinggi, masalah
untuk tidur, sakit-sakit otot dan sendi, rasa loya dan muntah,
mengurangkan kolesterol, merawat batu karang dan sebagainya.
Muhammad S.A.W. bersabda dalam Haditsnya yang dikutip dari kitab Ash
Shahihain ”Gunakanlah Habbatus Sauda’ kerana di dalamnya terdapat
sejenis ubat dari segala jenis macam penyakit kecuali As Sam (maut)”
(HR.Bukhari, Muslim)
Sina di dalam bukunya Canon of Medicine menyatakan Habbatus Sauda ……
merangsang tenaga dan membantu pemulihan kepenatan dan semangat.
Qayyim di dalam bukunya Medicine of the Prophet menyatakan Habbatus
Sauda berupaya memulihkan penyakit-penyakit seperti batuk, bronchitits,
masalah perut, kecacingan, masalah kulit seperti jerawat, sakit
senggugut dan haid yang lain, menambah susu badan, menambah pengaliran
air liur dan sebagainya.
Dr Ahmad Elkadi pula membuat kajian dan mendapati Habbatus Sauda mempertingkatkan daya tahan sakit (immune system).
bahan-bahan kandungan Habbatus Sauda ialah Fixed Oil (saturated dan
unsaturated), Minyak-minyak Asas (sterol, thymohydroquinone, carvone,
limonine, cymene), Alkaloids, Saponin dan Asid Amino.
kitab Al Tibb An-Nabawi (Pengobatan Cara Nabi) yang ditulis Ibnu Qayyim
Al-Jauziyyah, Habbatus Sauda’ dikenal juga sebagai Al Habbah Al
Barokah. Dalam kitab tersebut disebutkan bahwa Habbatus Sauda’ dapat
mengubati 50 macam penyakit tanpa efek. Suatu ulasan ilmu kedoktoran
menampilkan bahawa kandungan Habbatus Sauda’ antara lain:
- Antiinflamasi, mengubati perih/radang tenggorokan.
- Antiarthritis, mengubati reumatik.
- Analgesik, mengubati sakit gigi dan sakit kepala (migrain).
- Aktivitas hormon, mengatur haid dan meningkatkan aliran susu.
- Antiseptik, mengubati bau mulut.
- Antivirus, mengubati demam dan flu.
- Dermatologi, mengubati jerawat dan eksim.
- Urinary tract, mengubati saluran kemih dan batu ginjal.
- Sistem kekebalan, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh untuk menangkal penyakit.
- Gastrointestinal tract, mengubati mabuk, diare, kejang konstipasi, dan empedu.
- Sistem sirkulasi, meningkatkan kinerja jantung.
- Nematocidal, mengubati cacing pita.
- Respiratory tract, mengubati sesak nafas (asma).
Di bawah ini kami sertakan 7 ciri-ciri utama habbatus Sauda:
1. Nilai pemakanan
Habbatus Sauda kaya dengan:
monosaccharide glukosa, xylosa dsb.
acid yang tidak tepu (unsaturated essential fatty acids, EFA). EFA
tidak boleh dihasilkan oleh badan kita, oleh itu sumber utamanya ialah
dari pemakanan
amino acid yang membentuk protein
karotene iaitu sumber vitamin A
kalsium, zat besi, dsb.
2. Sistem imunisasi
yang dilakukan di Arab Saudi mendapati, habbatus Sauda berupaya
meningkatkan sistem imunisasi anda (daya melawan penyakit). Oleh itu ia
mungkin penting dalam pengawalan kanser, AIDS dan penyakit-penyakit
berkaitan yang lain.
3. Anti-histamine
ialah bahan yang dikeluarkan oleh sel-sel mast di dalam badan yang
menyebabkan kesan-kesan allergik (alahan). Habbatus Sauda mengandungi
bahan yang menghalang protein kinase C, sejenis bahan yang mencetus
penghasilan histamine. Oleh kerana penghidap penyakit asma selalunya
mengalami masalah alahan, habbatus Sauda mungkin baik diambil secara
berterusan oleh pesakit-pesakit ini.
4. Anti-tumor
in vitro mendapati habbatus Sauda berupaya menghalang pembentukan
sel-sel tumor. Oleh itu, ia baik untuk digunakan untuk membantu
menghalang penyakit kanser.
5. Anti-bakteria
ke atas bahan ini mendapati ia mempunyai aktiviti anti-bakteria .
Habbatus Sauda didapati berupaya mengawal bakteria seperti E.coli,
V.cholera dan spesies Shigella. Ini bermakna habbatus Sauda baik untuk
mereka yang menghidapi beberapa jenis penyakit seperti cirit-birit dan
masalah-masalah perut yang lain.
6. Anti-radang (anti-inflammation)
Sauda didapati boleh mengurangkan radang (bengkak). Oleh itu ia baik
untuk pesakit asma (mengurangkan radang dalam paru-paru), eczema (alahan
yang menyebabkan gatal, kulit merah dsb.) dan arthritis (bengkak
7. Menggalakkan pengeluaran susu
lemak dan hormon yang didapati di dalam habbatus Sauda menyebabkan
pengeluaran susu ibu yang menyusukan bayi bertambah.
Hasil Kajian
Amerika, Nigella Sativa yang merupakan nama latin dari minyak jintan
hitam, telah mendapat kejayan luar biasa sebagai makanan suplemen. Di
Jerman, minyak habbasSauda telah tersedia dalam bentuk kapsul di
ekstrak mengenai minyak dan kesan-kesannya juga telah dilakukan di
Amerika dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa minyak kuno itu juga mujarab
untuk segala macam penyakit. Para saintis Amerika telah merasa yakin
bahwa kesan antibakteri dan antimikotis dari minyak habbasSaudayang
merupakan obat Asia Timur dan di Asia berlangsung dalam waktu yang lama.
Para dokter di Mesir dan Cina menggunakannya untuk obat segala macam
radang serta infeksi jamur. Bahkan, para ilmuwan kanker Amerika secara
meyakinkan telah membuktikan bahwa minyak habbasSaudamenurunkan kadar
gula. Ekstrak Nigella Sativa membantu merangsang tulang sumsum dan
sel-sel kekebalan. Demkian tulisan para ilmuwan kanker Immuno-Biology
Laboratory dari Carolina Selatan. Selanjutnya, produksi interferon
menghasilkan sel-sel normal terhadap kesan-kesan virus sel-sel yang
merusak, menghancurkan sel-sel tumor, dan meningkatkan jumlah antibodi
yang menghasilkan sel-sel B.
fungsi ini menyebabkan minyak habbasSaudasebagai calon (alternatif)
yang ideal untuk pencegahan dan pengobatan kanker. Para ilmuwan Amerika
telah memplubikasikan bukunya yang pertama mengenai temuan “Study Of Black Cumin Oil On Human”.
Para ilmuwan di Jerman kini juga sibuk menemukan kesan-kesan minyak
Mesir yang berkaitan dengan tubuh manusia. Dr. Med. Peter Schleicher,
ahli immunolog di Munich yang pada 1986 telah dinominasikan sebagai
anggota termuda World Academy Scientists, menguji minyak
habbasSaudadi lembaganya untuk menemukan terapi baru bagi penyakit
kronis dan kesan-kesannya. Temuan-temuannya indentik dengan para
koleganya di Amerika.
menyatakan bahwa dengan menggunakan minyak habbasSaudayang memiliki
asam lemak tak jenuh, misalnya unoleat dan asam gammalinolen masuk ke
organisme. Dengan demikian, kemungkinan mencapai sintesa kekebalan yang
penting dan mengatur zat-zat yang diambil seperti dari prostaglandin E.
Minyak linoleat menstabilkan membran-membran sel dan prostaglandin
memiliki kesan mencegah radang. Dengan demikian, reaksi kekebalan
berhenti yang menimbulkan penyakit dan bahkan merupakan awal dari
penyakit kronis seperti jerawat dan demam hingga kanker.
samping fungsi sel yang berlebihan pada orang yang menderita alergi
distabilkan, melalui zat minyak habbasSauda antibodi juga ditekan.
Sistem kekebalan yang berlebihan pada kajian (ilmuwan) Amerika juga
menguji bahwa sistem kekebalan yang salah dapat diatur kembali dengan
kesan yang kuat dari minyak ini. Sementara itu, Scheleicher telah
menguji kesan minyak ini terhadap 600 pesakit. Sebagai hasilnya, dia
meyakinkan pengobatan untuk alergi sekitar 70% dari pesakitnya. Di
antara mereka adalah alergi terhadap serbuk dan debu serta jerawat dan
penyakit neuro-dermatologis. Pesakit asma dan lainnya pada umumnya
memiliki ketahanan yang lemah dan mudah terkena infeksi. Dari alasan itu
Dr. Schleicher di Munich akan memasukkan minyak itu ke dalam pengobatan
preventifnya terhadap pilek dan influenza.
Timur Tengah, minyak ini telah digunakan selama ribuan tahun sebagai
obat untuk segala macam penyakit alergi, radang, gangguan menstruasi,
tekanan moral, dan depresi, tetapi terutama terhadap bronkhitis, asma,
dan neurodermatitis serta pencernaan yang buruk, bahkan impotensi.
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